Put 1 bay leaf under your bed 🌿 and watch what happens 30... bed(00)

Put 1 bay leaf under your bed 🌿 and watch what happens 30... bed(00)

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Put 1 bay leaf under your bed 🌿 and watch what happens 30... bed 9 Benefits of Placing a Bay Leaf Under Your Pillow Before Sleeping 5 REASONS TO SLEEP WITH A BAY LEAF UNDER YOUR PILLOW! │ MANIFEST WISHES Put 1 bay leaf under your bed and watch what happens 30 minutes later Nine Reasons To Sleep With A Bay Leaf Under Your Pillow Shamonique Place three bay leaves under the bed before bed here’s why Vibes Corner Put a bay leaf under your pillow overnight. In the morning you will 6 Steps to Keep Bay Leaf Under Pillow to Ward Off Nightmares and Their