+2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with(04)

+2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with(04)

Image gallery: Gx4 Magazine Extension

+2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with Taurus GX4 9mm 13 Round Extended Magazine The Mag Shack +2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with +2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with +2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with +2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with Taurus GX4 11rd Magazine w/ Pinky Extension +2 extension works with the Taurus GX4 and its 13 round magazine with