Lifesaving surgery for baby with swollen head brings parents joy, relief(04)

Lifesaving surgery for baby with swollen head brings parents joy, relief(04)

Image gallery: Roona Begum Funeral

承受8次腦水腫手術…頭圍一度達94公分 印度「大頭女娃」離世 ETtoday國際新聞 ETtoday新聞雲 Morreu a menina que tinha a cabeça duas vezes maior que o normal Indian child Roona Begum recovering after hydrocephalus surgery CNN Roona Begum Swollen Head Mirror Online Lifesaving surgery for baby with swollen head brings parents joy, relief Baby Born Without Head A toddler whose head swelled to three times its natural size Mirror Baby Roona Begum an Indian baby who is suffering from a severe case