From the new OSRS Wiki TOA Calculator, these are the solo drop rates(03)

From the new OSRS Wiki TOA Calculator, these are the solo drop rates(03)

Image gallery: Osrs Leagues Drop Rates

26+ drop rate calculator osrs ShavanaRico 26+ drop rate calculator osrs ShavanaRico OSRS Trailblazer League JMOD Q&A STREAM [SAFE PvP? Drop Rate BUFF From the new OSRS Wiki TOA Calculator, these are the solo drop rates Leagues 4 Insane Drop Rate Reveal & discussion Trailblazer reloaded Leagues 4 drop rates are so good!! OSRS osrs shorts runescape This is What 400 KC KREE'ARRA at 5X Drop Rate Looks Like Leagues 4 OSRS Wiki is adding exact drop tables/rates for all monsters 2007scape