Video de seguridad capta tiroteo en el barrio Certenejas de Cidra que(07)

Video de seguridad capta tiroteo en el barrio Certenejas de Cidra que(07)

Image gallery: Drive By Shooting Puerto Ricocareer Html

Police say five people killed in a driveby shooting in Puerto Rico Police say five people killed in a driveby shooting in Puerto Rico Suspect in driveby shooting of 20yearold mom and infant arrested in 3 injured in driveby shooting in Riviera Beach WPEC 6 Killed in Shootout as Violence Rattles Puerto Rican Capital The New Puerto Rico Masacre Cidra Tiroteo Nelson Torres Delgado El Burro Shooting kills 6 in Puerto Rico, leads to emergency meeting Video de seguridad capta tiroteo en el barrio Certenejas de Cidra que