White color vomit occurs when a person has eaten white foods such as milk, yogurt, ice cream, double cream, or whipped cream. Red or pinkish vomit usually indicates presence of blood which could mean several things. Alcohol (etoh) empties rapidly from the stomach.
vomiting parasite (Ask Humaworm Parasites) 10/8/2011 1866966
What causes vomit that is cloudy white with pieces of white solid (it looks like diluted milk with grated cheese) and has a sweet almost coconut odor?
Last week after complaining of tummy ache my 3 year old threw up this solid white thing that i can only describe as a giant milk curd about the size of a sausage and with an.
Throwing up is not a disease in itself but can be a symptom of many. Throwing up foam means when a person vomits, there is a discharge of foam like white or yellow substance from the gut. It is known as tonsillolith. Learn what your your vomit color, or texture, or taste might be trying to tell you by reading the guide below.
Basically, it is just food that was trapped inside deep crypts of your tonsils which over time rot under the influence of certain anaerobic bacteria and salivary. Should i go to the hospital? Some of the conditions causing white vomiting. Visiting a doctor to know the problem source is.

Dry heaving isn't exactly vomiting, because you can't.
It s like a mixture of cottage cheese, white sponge and. That white stuff, it s very strange. Vomiting large amounts of blood is also called hematemesis and is a. Occasionally vomiting up white foam is not necessarily dangerous.
Throwing up foam has many causes, including medical conditions like hiatal hernia, candidiasis, and acid reflux/gerd. About the size of a large grape.