When you get flagged on craigslist, your item posting may be removed from the website and can no longer be viewed by potential buyers. Craigslist automatically monitors the ip addresses of where posts originate, so if they notice that too many posts are coming from the same ip, then those listings will get. Another possible reason is that.
Reason Why Your Craigslist Ads Flagged Immediately And Solutions
I have been using craigslist regularly for years and i have never had a post flagged or removed.
It is also possible that the website’s moderators believe that your post may be.
There’s nothing more frustrating than spending time crafting a perfect craigslist post, only to have it flagged for removal by an automated system. A post that has been ghosted or flagged indicates that either a site user clicked the ‘prohibited’ flag at the top of it, or that craigslist bots have removed it because one of their algorithms. The easiest way to try and fix the issue is to create a new craigslist account using a different internet connection than you usually use, with a different email address. Could it be a trigger word or phrase which is getting it automatically removed?
Craigslist has strict rules and guidelines that must be followed in order to post an ad, and if you are not following them your ad will be flagged and removed. If your craigslist ad has been flagged for removal means that a number of people have decided to click the “prohibited” button on the upper left corner of your ad. If you have posted something that violates the rules, it is likely that your post has been flagged for removal. Generally, this occurs when users flag posts that contain inappropriate content, such as offensive.

Today, i noticed the ad was gone and.
I'm putting my car up for sale on cl, and in the past week it has been flagged and removed about 4 times, prompting me to repost it.