In this article, we define this major, discover the courses biology students often take and learn the types of biology majors. It doesn't add much to the application and may have an adverse effect on the gpa. Biology grads, what are your careers/jobs like?
20 year old biology major with OCD. Do your worst r/RoastMe
A biology major is a field of.
What is it like to major in bio?
Is a biology degree worth it reddit? If your goal is to be admitted to a. A basic science bs (which is typically the study of nature and animals, insects and such) does not give enough education on things that are important to other sciences. What is the fastest and easiest degree to get?
What are the least useful degrees? If not accepted to med school, then is there a good job prospects with a. Currently, i am a biology major and computer science minor and i plan on applying for med school. Pick flair representing your favorite biological field of interest.

So there is a lot of questions asking is biology worth it, what can i do with a biology degree, i don’t want to go to med school anymore what.
I have a bio major in health sciences, went into it pretty bright eyed planning to be a doctor. What major is best for future? You don't have to be an expert in it. Hi reddit, i'm a high school junior considering a degree in biology after taking ap bio and falling in love.
If you don't have a favorite genre of biology, consider general biology or bio. I saw that there is a quantitative biology major but can anyone attest to whether it is actually a quantitative focus? What is a biology major? What kind of careers can a bio major lead to?