Waiting for your answer, thanks. Seems you have a configuration properties class and trying to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.password' where it should be 'spring.datasource. You are using the old configuration names (spring boot <= 1.3) where as you should now be using the vendor (hikari) specific properties.
Failed to bind properties under ‘spring.datasource.password‘ to java
For security reasons, the actual exception is masked.
The readme project file says that it supports until the 2.0.x version.
Jasypt默认更改了算法,如果不指定那么会报错:failed to bind properties under spring.datasource.druid.password' to java.lang.string 解决办法: ①把版本降到2.x I set the jasypt.encryptor.password into environment in ide eclipse, it can be run properly in ide, but gradle build failed, error message: It happens due to several reasons such as incorrect database url, wrong credentials, database server downtime, or network issues. I'm using java 11, spring boot 2.5.6.
The error 'failed to bind properties under '' to com.zaxxer.hikari.hikaridatasource' typically indicates that the spring application is unable to correctly bind configuration properties for the. Could the reason for that be the spring boot version? For that i added below properties in properties file:. Only exception is the jasypt passphrase is obtained from a db from a postprocessenvironment.

Where you able to solve.
We currently have jasypt running in boot 2.2.4, jasypt 3.0.2 with not issues. We will explain how to handle the. The properties are being parsed line by line, so the properties parser reads server:, and doesn't know how to bind to server directly, which causes the error you see.