A landlord must fill out. Having issues filing a new case below? Use the search features below to view the court's case inquiry lookup by name or case number.
Katie Jory, Associate Attorney, Attends the 36th District Court
I fully acknowledge that by providing false information i am subject to the penalty of perjury.
If the date of birth is entered, the search results will not include general civil, small claims, or.
All dates are approximate and. The system provides public access to the register of actions (roa) for cases filed in the 36 th district court and the court’s. City officials say the change in one of the. I certify that the information that i am.
Plaintiff kahlilia davis sued the 36th district court of michigan and former chief judge nancy blount and alleged federal and state claims. Welcome to the 36 th district court case inquiry system. Unraveling landlord tenant tensions the power of the 36th district court case lookup after those motions were granted, tenants moved to reclassify the actions as limited civil cases,.