Comparable sales tool allows you to access and compare real estate sale information for. Property search search by address, name, folio or subdivision to view property information. Search efficiently using property addresses, assessor's parcel numbers.
Property Tax Miami Dade 2023
Real estate property taxes, also known as ad valorem taxes, are collected annually.
Please use our tax estimator to approximate your new.
Not all exemptions and cap benefits apply equally to all taxing authorities, resulting in multiple taxable values. Manage and make payments in one convenient platform anytime, anywhere. Please use our tax estimator to approximate your new property taxes. Any change in ownership may reset the assessed value of the property to full market value, which could result in higher property taxes.
Also, see how your millage rate compares to other. The property search allows you to view detailed. They are based on the assessed value of a property's land, building (s) and improvements, as. The tax visualizer lets you see how the property taxes for a particular address/folio number are distributed graphically in a pie chart view.

Property taxes are levied on taxable values.
Estimate your property taxes based on market value, millage rates and exemptions. Pay bills online in a few simple clicks.