Oh lord you have searched my heart you have known my thoughts my ways you guide each step till it le. [interlude] [chorus] all i want is to live within your love be undone by who you are my desire is to know you deeper lord, i will open up again throw my fears into the wind i am. To live within the love of jesus is our heart’s desire.
In your love and affection it's the sweetest of all lord, i know my heart wants more of you my heart wants something new so i surrender all and all i want is to live within your love be.
[interlude] [chorus] all i want is to live within your love be undone by who you are my desire is to know you deeper lord, i will open up again throw my fears into the wind i am.
Jesus have your way in me now oh oh oh oh na na na na na na for every voice is saying all i want is to live within your love be undone by who you are my desire is to know you deeper. All i want is to live within your love be undone by who you are my desire is to know you deeper lord i will open up again throw my fears into the wind i am desperate for a touch. Lord i know my heart, wants, more of you. My heart, wants, something new.
So i surrender all all i want is to live within your love be undone by who you are my desire is to know you deeper lord, i will open up again throw my fears into the wind i am desperate for a. In his presence we experience a touch of heaven. So i surrender all all i want is to live within your love be undone by who you are my desire is to know you deeper lord i will open up again throw my fears into the wind i am desperate for a. So i surrender all all i want is to live within your love be undone by who you are my desire is to know you deeper lord i will open up again throw my fears into the wind i am desperate for a.

The blue sky above us can collapse and earth may crumble i don't care, as long as you love me i couldn’t care less about the rest of the world as long as love fills my mornings as long as my.
Hillsong live within your love: How i live for the moments where i'm still in your presence all the noise dies down. Lord i know my heart wants more of.