The fact that yours has stitch rings instead of nickle. Schon fb page is a good place to identify/value a cue. Bob runde was one of the two founders of schon cues, and left in the early 90's.
Identify Schon LTD Cue from 19931996
These improved designs would be the basis for schon cues for many years to come.
If anybody can help with this i’d appreciate it.
I purchased it on fb marketplace and can't find what model it is. We can identify the model of your schön cue. Your cue is what is known as a runde era schon. The schon cue rolls straight together and apart and is.
Limited would be 1,000 and up, any shon is a desirable cue that holds value very well. Hey y’all, i have a scon ltd cue i’m trying to figure out the model and year of manufacture for. The stitch ring design was standard until. Introduced in 1982, the r series replaced the s series cues.

For years i've tried to find out what the model number is, but i haven't been able to.
Schön cues product identification service. I’ve looked at online listings of. In the following pictures you can a the schon ltd., a buffalo break/jump, a short jump cue and a beautyful 2/4 leather case. Can one of you schon enthusiasts help me identify this cue?