Select one of the onboarding packet’ s listed below, according to your preferred language. All elements identified as 'required' must be completed in order for the qualification. Provide your mc/mx# or dot# to begin registration.
RMIS Elettrotest
Read and accept the agreement (s).
All elements identified as 'required' must be completed in order for the qualification.
Do you meet the below requirements to contract with rxo? Sign up for rxo connect to view and book shipments online. This guide will delve into the essentials of rxo rmis. Each broker has their own process.
In order to work with rxo, completing a carrier setup is the first step. Rxo capacity solutions carrier onboarding provided by registry monitoring insurance services. Intrastate carriers without a dot number may provide an applicable state registration number to begin registration. Rxo rmis setup is designed to cater to various organizational needs, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.
Submit an electronic w9 (have your taxid available).
Below are some of our key requirements in order for your company to qualify as an approved carrier. I have been in business as a carrier for at least 3 months i have a cargo insurance with coverage of at least $100,000 For other account setup click hereclick here Learn about the technology tools for carriers offered by rxo.
Below are some of our key requirements in order for your company to qualify as an approved carrier. Provide a certificate of insurance that meets the insurance. Provide a valid mc/mx or usdot number to begin the registration process. I have a cargo insurance with coverage of at least $100,000.
Intrastate carriers without a dot# may provide an applicable state registration number to begin registration.
Sign in to edi setup portal. I have been in business as a carrier for at least 3 months.