He also had a past. Barry blackwell, known as baz, is smurf's adopted son and leader in the codys' robberies. There’s literally no way you can watch the whole season and not be sure who killed baz.
Why Was Baz Killed off on 'Animal Kingdom' in Season 3?
[spoiler] had baz killed — plus, shawn hatosy talks directing [spoiler]’s death and more
J pays a hispanic gang to protect smurf in jail.
I’ve read theories he is still. Executive producer john wells explains the decision to. After a season of learning the truth about what smurf (ellen barkin) had kept from her boys—and stealing it—baz's life came to an end. And now, the codys have to figure out.
Baz dies on the operating table. Our recap of 'animal kingdom' season 3, episode 1, reveals whether baz lives or dies, and consequently, whether scott speedman's leaving. Tvline's recap of 'animal kingdom' season 3, episode 12, reveals who killed whom — and details the scene that had to have broken your heart. The only thing they left ambiguous was whether or not baz was j’s father.