Visit the michigan department of corrections offender tracking information system (otis) to access the state offender lookup. Find an inmate incarcerated by michigan department of corrections michigan doc offender tracking information system (otis), help you search for inmates housed in michigan prisons. The otis offender tracking system provides various services, including the ability to perform a search for states like georgia, illinois, florida, and others.
Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) Offender Profile Otis
Users can learn about active.
Individuals can search for recent arrests in otis using online tools and databases.
The offender tracking information system (otis) is a computerized case file management system used by the ministry of the solicitor general to store demographic, case record and. You can find the phone numbers for the sheriff. Inmates are now entitled to 21 minutes of free phone privileges every three hours. You will need the name, subject number, booking number, booking date, and the housing facility.
Individual calls can last up to 15 minutes each, and even dangerous prisoners locked up in. With information on over 263,000 prisoners, parolees and probationers, otis provides users with a variety of information from offender status to marks, scars and/or tattoos of those in the. Reveal otis corrections offender searchtimeline friends epic adventures, intriguing otis corrections offender searchtimeline friends characters, and enthralling otis corrections. The offender tracking information system (otis) is a computerized case file management system used by the ministry of the solicitor general, the ontario parole board.

Offender tracking information system (otis) segregation is defined in ontario regulation 778 as any type of custody where an inmate is in highly restricted conditions for 22.