Also setup a a record to point. I also configured environment variables for key vault, and tested collecting static files locally vs. Another user suggests checking the gateway accessibility and the backend port.
Azure Application Gateway 502 error Stack Overflow
The issue most likely resides with your current browser if you can visit the website through.
The server’s firewall or network settings may be misconfigured or erroneously identify your ip address as one that should be blocked.
A user asks for help with a 502 bad gateway error when accessing a web app through an app gateway. App gw can't connect to a backend ubuntu vm when azure vmss is being used. It happens when a server acting as a gateway or proxy receives an invalid response from the upstream. Apa penyebab 502 bad gateway?
Pelajari bagaimana memecahkan masalah application gateway server error : Use network watcher's connection troubleshoot feature to diagnose network connectivity issues between your application gateway and vm. Troubleshoot 502 bad gateway and 503 service unavailable errors in your app hosted in azure app service. A user reports a problem with connecting to a backend ubuntu vm via azure application gateway, which returns a 502 bad gateway error.

Biasanya, 502 bad gateway merupakan kesalahan sisi server dan disebabkan oleh masalah server hulu, atau jika server proxy.
When i tested, my python application is responding with 200 status code locally. Access the website through a different browser application if possible. I would advise you to check the details column on the backend health tab of your application gateway and see if you are receiving any of the error messages listed in the below. Here are a list of steps used to configure an azure app service with a custom domain behind the azure application gateway and waf (web application firewall) using the.
Learn how to fix server error: The error may be caused by nsg, udr, dns, health.