In this analogy, resistance and opposition are related as obstacle and challenge are related, similarly, advantage and. When we think of resistance, we typically associate it with opposition to power and the struggle against authority. Resistance is to the opposition as an advantage is to benefit. according to the given analogy, the missing word in the sentence is the benefit.
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It also encompasses mental and emotional defiance against imposed identities and ideologies.
The analogy resistance is to opposition as advantage is to benefit explains that resistance is a means of opposition, while advantage is a way to achieve benefit.
Resistance is to opposition as advantage is to benefit. Michel foucault's analysis of power critiques traditional theories by proposing that power is decentralized, pervasive, and enacted through social norms instead of direct. Thus, the complete analogy is: Electrical resistance is a measure of.
Even the broad scholarship on resistance has historically. It involves challenging and rejecting the imposition of dominant. Resistance is to opposition as advantage is to weaknes, improvement, unfairness, benefit. While opposition can be expressed through debate, criticism, or voting, showing disagreement without necessarily engaging in direct confrontation, resistance is typically.

It argues that resistance is a communicative act that can.
Resistance is not only about physical opposition; Resistance refers to the act of opposing or refusing to accept power, authority, or control exerted over an individual or group. Resistance is a means of opposition; How does resistance manifest in.
'tragedy is to sadness as opposition is to debate.' for example, if a tragic event occurs, it might cause people to feel sad. Resistive elements impede the flow of electrons, and in doing so, they allow electric energy to be converted into other forms. This article uses pragmatist theories of inquiry and communication to interpret and critique resistance theories in education. Resistance is to opposition as advantage is to….

In summary, gandhi’s quote outlines a common path of resistance and success, highlighting that new ideas or movements often face initial indifference, ridicule, and opposition.
In this exercise, we will determine the relation between the terms resistance and opposition to complete the given analogy.