See the list of available units, examples and documentation on. Var x = dayjs ( ) var y = dayjs. Var y = dayjs() var duration = dayjs.duration(x.diff(y)) // returns duration object with the duration between x and y.
dayjs天数差值用法 知乎
For instance, we can write:
Let hours = date2.diff(date1, 'hours');
My code looks like this: You can use the dayjs duration plugin as follows: I using the following code to compare and find the difference between the two times: You've pointed out a common point of confusion where the diff () method's result can be negative, which may not be immediately clear from the method's name.
Day.js 是一个轻量级的 javascript 日期时间处理库,提供了 dayjs#diff 方法来计算两个日期时间之间的差异。你可以指定单位为毫秒、秒、分钟、时、日、周、月或年,并选择是否返回浮点数. Const days = math.floor(hours / 24); To do so, simply pass the dayjs#diff method into dayjs#duration as follows: To do so, simply pass the dayjs#diff method into dayjs#duration as follows:

With the date object, you can perform various operations, such as getting the.
To calculate the difference in days between two dates, i use the.diff() method.